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Family Mediation

The breakdown of a relationship is often a difficult and painful time. This can be further complicated by the need to separate financially from your partner, to decide how the assets of the relationship should be shared and to consider the most appropriate arrangements for the care of any children.

Mediation is an excellent process to achieve this, and allows you and your partner to come together to agree the best way to move forward after separation. As a Resolution accredited family mediator, I regularly help couples to reach an agreement through the mediation process, avoiding the need for court involvement. As a mediator, I am impartial and so cannot provide the couple with legal advice. However, as a family lawyer, I can give them plenty of information about the law and how this affects them and their children. I ensure that they both have the opportunity to share their ideas, consider their options and communicate their thoughts openly, in a neutral and confidential setting.

Mediation can often be the most constructive way for couples to make progress, allowing them to reach an agreement over the course of several well-structured sessions. If a couple is fully engaged with the process, it is also often the most cost-effective way of resolving financial disputes, preserving the assets of the relationship. It also ensures arrangements for any children affected by the separation are prioritised and can improve communication between parents, who will understandably be struggling with the end of their relationship.

If you would like further information about my mediation service, please feel free to contact me for further information on helen.cankett@bpe.co.uk or by phoning me on 01242 248256  .


These notes have been prepared for the purpose of articles only. They should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.

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