With you every step of the way
Defending an Employment Tribunal claim can be both costly and time-consuming. Whether you’re aiming for an early settlement or seeking to defend a claim, we’ll provide detailed guidance on available approaches and defences, together with the financial implications, to establish the best way forward. We’re here to work with you, every step of the way.
We advise and represent employers in disputes relating to:
- Unfair dismissal: Including constructive dismissal, wrongful dismissal, and automatically unfair dismissals.
- Discrimination: Claims relating to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
- Redundancy: Disputes concerning redundancy procedures, selection criteria, and redundancy pay.
- Breach of contract: Claims relating to breaches of employment contracts, including notice periods, pay, and benefits.
- Wage claims: Disputes over unpaid wages, holiday pay, and other entitlements.
- Working time regulations: Breaches of working time limits, rest breaks, and holiday entitlement.
- TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations): Disputes arising from business transfers and service provision changes.
- Whistleblowing: Claims relating to detriments suffered by employees who have made protected disclosures.
We have an impressive track record in the Employment and Employment Appeal Tribunal, including involvement in leading cases within the UK. Our Employment team continue to be highly rated in independent legal publications for their advice and successful representation of clients in complex and high-profile disputes.
We understand that cost is an important factor when choosing legal representation. We offer a range of flexible fee structures to suit your specific needs and budget. For more information on our fees and how we can provide cost-effective solutions for your business, please visit our fees page.
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