
News & Events


BPE Construction & Engineering Newsletter – June 2014

In between Bank Holidays, May was a very busy month for the team considering issues such as:

  •  How to proceed on behalf of a contractor in dispute with its client when the ‘real problem’ is the architect’s apparent failure, to properly administer the contract
  • The difference between rescission and ‘normal’ termination (see this month’s “Cutting through the Legalese” for the answer!)
  • Trying to identify who is responsible for certain aspects of the design of certain works
  • Whether a defect (or more accurately, the losses caused by a defect) being covered by a 3rd party’s insurance can be a bar to claiming against the person who caused the defect
  • What you do when a Litigant in Person (see Jon’s comments last month) decides they will give evidence of fact at Trial, but fails to file and serve a witness statement.
  • We have also made and received more without prejudice offers than you could shake a stick at!


So…. onto business….

To download the full newsletter, click here 

These notes have been prepared for the purpose of articles only. They should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.

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