What’s next for landlords and tenants in the private rented sector?
Natalie McMahon and Santos Hau consider the recent White Paper published by the Government, outlining their intentions to introduce wide sweeping reforms to the private rented sector.
Auctioning off the High Street – regeneration or political gimmick?
Retail landlords could soon be forced by local authorities to rent out empty premises, or they will be able to step into their shoes and do it for them via compulsory rent auctions, according to the proposed Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.
Holiday homes in EU member states - how do you wish for it to be treated?
Many UK citizens who have a holiday home in an EU member state may be looking forward to making use of it again this year but how many of them have thought about the treatment of that property if they die?
The price is right – or is it? Share purchase overvaluations and breach of warranties.
Peter Knibbs and Santos Hau consider BPE’s recent successes in securing settlement awards for purchasers of companies, in breach of warranty claims where sellers had provided inaccurate warranties.
Calls for Menstrual Leave in the UK
Following proposals for paid leave for period pain in Spain, will the UK be the next country to implement protection for individuals struggling with menstrual symptoms?
Super surgery property specialists advise on development of major new Cheltenham healthcare surgery
Specialists in super surgery developments advised on the acquisition, construction and financing of the new Wilson Health Centre.
Rail Strikes: What are the Government’s plans to help the rail industry
Given the current rail strikes and the murmurings of strike action in other areas of public sector life, the government has announced plans to enable employers to replace striking workers with agency workers, doing away with a near 20 year ban on the process.
Companies House – a transparency transformation or just a bit more make-up?
In February 2022 the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published a White Paper on corporate transparency and register reform, which sets out plans to increase the transparency of UK corporate entities and enhance the role and powers of Companies House by making some changes to the way it operates.
BPE Solicitors acts on new lease for Decentralised Exchange platform, Swapsicle UK Limited
The Real Estate team at Cheltenham based, BPE Solicitors, has acted for Swapsicle in connection with their new office premises in the creative tech centre of Shoreditch
The changing face of the office environment
The pandemic has caused many changes in recent years but here, Kate and Matt look at its impact on the office environment
Which life milestones should act as a reminder to update your Will?
It is always a good idea to review and update your Will when your personal circumstances change, and our Private Wealth Solicitor, Shanade Smith, outlines in this article certain life-changing events that should prompt a review of your Will.
Menopause: A very hot topic
Once a taboo subject that was swept under the carpet and given little attention, the topic of the menopause is being brought to the top of most HR teams’ agendas across the country.