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Construction & Engineering Newsletter December 2014

We have not seen activity levels slowing down and indeed in November:

  • Emilie Sclater and Gemma Bill joined the team
  • Along with our other colleagues in the Renewables Team, Jon has been advising on several EPC contracts for disposal to pension funds.
  • Anna and Jon attended an excellent CDM Regulations briefing from Constructing Excellence (with nearly 100 people there from all over the country)
  • (Technically not November) – Jon is off to the ADR Group annual mediator’s conference in Oxford.

Back in the office we’ve been dealing with:

  • Redevelopment work in Swindon, Milton Keynes and Cheltenham
  • A potential “repudiatory breach” dispute
  • Bank requirements for funding of GP developments
  • Drafting, negotiating and overseeing execution of a JCT PCSA to ensure that a design & build healthcare project stays on track
  • Whether or not certain points of dispute were suitable to be dealt with as “Preliminary Issues” in a tripartite TCC matter
  • Trying to facilitate mediation in a dispute

As this is our December edition, we have a few festive messages:

A few Christmas Construction Jokes

  • How does an Eskimo fix his house? Igloos it together
  • It’s getting near Christmas and a builder asks his son what he’d like as a present. ‘What I really want is a baby brother.’ says the boy. ‘Sorry, son,’ says the father. ‘Christmas is only 2 weeks away, I can’t get you a baby brother in that time.’ The son replies, ‘Can’t you do what you do at work and put more men on the job?’
  • What does an electrician get for Christmas? Shorts.

Pic For December Newsletter

So...onto business...

Download the full newsletter here. 

These notes have been prepared for the purpose of an article only. They should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.  “Cutting through the legalese” in particular is intended to be a short and introductory feature which does not provide comprehensive guidance on the topic in question.  Legal advice should always be sought.


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